August 5, 2019

    The scent receptors – Charing Cross escorts

    By / August 5, 2019

    Do you know that men have scent receptors than ladies? In other words, men are much more sensitive to certain smells, and may even pick up a smell or scent before a woman does. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why we say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. If he smells a nice dish cooking, it will simulate his scent receptors and immediately become hungry. It is just one of those easy ways to turn on a man, and I do cook for some of my gents at Charing Cross escorts.

    Of course, you don’t have to use food to turn a man on. There are many other scents and smells that will turn a man. For instance, there are some body lotions which may have the right combinations of ingredients to turn a man. What you want to do, is took for more natural body lotions. Some lotions will be more expensive, but like us girls at Charing Cross escorts of know, they are certainly worth investing in. Also, they will make you feel good about yourself.

    What about perfumes? Perfumes are great when it comes to masking certain scents and that is actually why they were developed in the first place. I used to wear a lot of perfume when I first joined Charing Cross escorts, but now I have gone away from. I love smelling good, but the problem with perfumes is they mask the scent of estrogen. Women do smell of estrogen and it is really the ultimate tool on our arsenal to turn men on. Wearing a lightly scented body lotion and letting him inhale you slowly is a much better idea.

    Did you know that a lot of men like a flower called a pansy? It has nothing to do with color or anything like that. I like pansies because they look really pretty and happy, but there is a lot more to pansies than looks. The reason so many men like pansies is because the scent they give off. They give of a natural pheromone, and it triggers thoughts about sex and passion. Mostly animals and human give of pheromones but there are some plants that do it as well. Do I keep pansies at my Charing Cross escorts boudoir? You bet that I do.

    So, in the future when you are planning a sexy date, perhaps you should check out which is the body lotion for you. We all have our own unique scents and it is a good idea to check out if a body lotion suits your skin. You really want to try to find a natural body lotion which enhances your female scent. Try a few, but make sure that they are as natural possible. If they contain a lot of artificial ingredients, you may find that many of them are just too much and will mask your natural scent. That is something that I don’t want to do to my gents at Charing Cross escorts.…

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